| | | | | Arco Real Estate - Specializes in residential and commercial properties. Page includes company information, listings, and services.
| | Averts - Assists people in finding apartments, family houses, businesses and land lots. Page includes current listings and contact information.
| | JEFA Ltd. - Offers a full range of services in real estate market: purchase and sale, rent, sale on leasing terms, issue of credits on mortgage, privatization of dwelling and industrial (agricultural) objects, insurance of real estate, a full range of legal advice service.
| | NIMA - Purpose of group is to promote the real estate industry and the professional interests of the members. Page includes administration contacts and code of ethics. [Latvian, English, Russian]
| | Real Estate Database in Latvia - Sale, buy, rent or hire real property.
| | Saliena - Plans for a new city to be created on a plot of land between Riga and the seashore resort area of Jurmala. This area would homes, retail stores, business offices, and a golf course. Page includes illustrations and diagrams of new buildings and town layout.